EggyByte Account 用户协议#
EggyByte Account是上海旦享计算机科技有限责任公司(以下简称“旦享科技”)的统一账号系统。请您在使用本服务之前,仔细阅读并理解以下协议条款。通过注册、登录或使用 EggyByte 提供的服务,您同意遵守本协议中的各项条款。若您不同意本协议的任何内容,请立即停止使用本服务。1. 服务描述#
EggyByte Account 是由 EggyByte 提供的一项账户管理服务,旨在为用户提供一个便捷的方式来管理在 EggyByte 平台上的个人账户和资料,包括但不限于用户的登录信息、权限设置、个人数据等。2. 账号注册和使用#
2.1 注册要求
用户需根据 EggyByte 提供的指引,填写真实、准确、完整的个人信息进行注册。您保证提供的信息是准确和最新的,并及时更新,以确保信息的完整性和准确性。
2.2 账号安全
2.3 账号使用责任
用户应当对其账户内的所有活动和信息负责。若发现有未经授权的使用或任何安全漏洞,用户应立即通知 EggyByte。3. 个人资料和隐私保护#
EggyByte 将严格保护用户的个人资料,并根据其隐私政策对用户的信息进行收集、存储和使用。具体内容请参见 EggyByte 隐私政策。用户可随时访问隐私政策并了解 EggyByte 如何收集、使用和保护个人信息。4. 用户权利和责任#
4.1 用户权利
4.2 用户责任
用户同意遵守 EggyByte 的服务条款、社区准则及相关法律法规。用户不得利用 EggyByte 账号从事任何违法、侵权、骚扰或其他不当行为,或通过服务侵害他人权益。5. 知识产权#
在使用 EggyByte Account 服务过程中,用户应尊重他人的知识产权。用户发布的任何内容不得侵犯他人的版权、商标、专利或其他合法权益。如有侵犯他人知识产权的行为,用户应自行承担相关责任。6. 服务终止和解除#
6.1 EggyByte 的权利
EggyByte 有权根据自 己的判断,随时暂停或终止用户账户的使用,包括但不限于因用户违反本协议、违反法律法规或接到合理投诉。
6.2 账号使用限制
EggyByte 账户仅供注册用户个人使用。用户不得将其账号借用、转租或用于任何违法行为。一旦发现上述行为,EggyByte 有权直接永久封禁该账号。
6.3 账号删除
若账户超过 90 天未登录,EggyByte 有权删除该账户。请注意,关联的应用、游戏等服务会在用户登录时刷新该时间,通常不会出现账号被删除的情况。7. 责任限制和免责声明#
EggyByte 不对用户因使用本服务而遭受的任何损失或损害承担责任。包括但不限于因不可抗力事件、第三方行为、或用户自身行为导致的任何直接或间接损失。EggyByte 不承担因服务中断、数据丢失、网络安全漏洞或任何其他非 EggyByte 所能控制的原因而造成的损失。8. 争议解决#
若因本协议产生任何争议,双方应尽量通过友好协商解决。若协商未果,争议应提交至 EggyByte 所在地法院,并根据当地法律进行处理。9. 变更通知#
EggyByte 保留随时修改本协议条款的权利。修改后的协议将在 EggyByte 网站上公布,并立即生效。用户有责任定期查看协议内容,继续使用服务即表示您接受最新版本的协议。10. 有效条款#
本协议的各条款均具有独立的法律效力。如某一条款被认定为无效或无法执行,不影响其他条款的有效性。11. 适用法律#
本协议适用 EggyByte 所在地的法律,并受其管辖。12. 联系方式#
EggyByte Account User Agreement#
Welcome to EggyByte Account! Please read and understand the following terms of service carefully. By registering, logging into, or using the services provided by EggyByte, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement. If you disagree with any part of this agreement, please cease using our services immediately.1. Service Description#
EggyByte Account is an account management service provided by EggyByte to help users manage their accounts and personal information on the EggyByte platform, including but not limited to login information, permissions, and personal data.2. Account Registration and Use#
2.1 Registration Requirements
Users are required to provide accurate, complete, and truthful information when registering their account. You ensure that the information you provide is accurate and up-to-date, and you will promptly update any changes to keep the information complete and accurate.
2.2 Account Security
Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their accounts and passwords. You should take reasonable measures to protect your account and prevent unauthorized access. You may not transfer, lend, or grant access to your account to any other individual or entity.
2.3 Account Usage Responsibility
Users are responsible for all activities under their account. If you discover any unauthorized use or security vulnerabilities, you should immediately notify EggyByte.EggyByte will strictly protect users' personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy. Users can access the Privacy Policy at any time to understand how EggyByte collects, uses, and protects personal data.4. User Rights and Responsibilities#
4.1 User Rights
Users have the right to modify or update their personal information, close their account, and delete their data.
4.2 User Responsibilities
Users agree to comply with EggyByte's terms of service, community guidelines, and applicable laws. You may not use your EggyByte account for illegal, infringing, or any other improper activities that violate the rights of others.5. Intellectual Property#
Users must respect the intellectual property rights of others when using EggyByte Account services. Any content posted by users must not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other intellectual property rights of third parties. Users will bear full responsibility for any infringement.6. Service Termination and Termination Rights#
6.1 EggyByte’s Rights
EggyByte reserves the right to suspend or terminate user accounts at its discretion, including but not limited to cases of violation of this agreement, legal violations, or receiving reasonable complaints.
6.2 Account Usage Restrictions
EggyByte accounts are for personal use only. Users may not lend, sublease, or use their account for any illegal activities. EggyByte reserves the right to permanently ban any account involved in such activities.
6.3 Account Deletion
Accounts that have been inactive for more than 90 days may be deleted by EggyByte. Please note that linked applications, games, etc., will refresh this time upon login, and account deletion is rare.7. Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer#
EggyByte is not liable for any losses or damages users may incur while using the services, including but not limited to losses caused by force majeure, third-party actions, or user behavior. EggyByte is not responsible for service interruptions, data loss, security vulnerabilities, or any other damages beyond its control.8. Dispute Resolution#
Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to the courts located in EggyByte’s jurisdiction, governed by local laws.9. Notification of Changes#
EggyByte reserves the right to modify the terms of this agreement at any time. Any changes will be published on the EggyByte website and become effective immediately. Users are responsible for reviewing the updated agreement periodically. Continued use of the service implies acceptance of the latest version of the agreement.10. Validity of Terms#
Each clause of this agreement is independently valid. If any provision is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall still remain in effect.11. Applicable Law#
This agreement is governed by the laws of EggyByte's jurisdiction and applies to all users of EggyByte’s services.If you have any questions or concerns about this agreement, please contact EggyByte customer service team at:
Email: customer_service@eggybyte.comModified at 2024-12-25 11:10:49